Time for street photography


It's time for street photography again, this time not with the small Sony RX100 but with the SLR. I'm working on the Nikon D7100 with the 18-300 lens. This is a very flexible combination for all circumstances.

The size of the city where you walk doesn't matter that much is my opinion, everywhere are good situations for street photography. My goal was portraits this time. I preset the camera at f8, a sweetspot for lenses in common for a great sharpness, shutter 1/200 so I can use the 300mm zoom and variable ISO. In street photography ISO is not a big concern for me, besides, the camera and modern software can handle it.

When all is set the hunt begins.All settings make that I can react fast on situations and my concentration goes to observing, focussing and shooting.

With other lenses I work accordingly, only the max. shutter time is different with every lens. I use mostly 1/max. focus length when using another lens.

Maybe you should try this approach to, it gives me a lot of flexibility!


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